IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    Es una iniciativa de Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial del CIC del IPN con la colaboración de DHARMA para motivar a investigadores, profesores y estudiantes a aprovechar los cursos, recursos y herramientas de las principales plataformas tecnológicas de la industria en las áreas de Aprendizaje Automático, Ciencia de Datos, Computación en la Nube, Inteligencia Artificial e Internet de las Cosas con el propósito de generar una experiencia práctica a través de un modelo de aprendizaje entre pares y por objetivos.

    Nivel 2: Conocimiento Contextual

    Create Computer Vision Solutions with Azure Cognitive Services

    Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that deals with visual perception. Azure Cognitive Services include multiple services that support common computer vision scenarios.

    Cursos en este programa

    1) Analyze Images

    With the Computer Vision service, you can use pre-trained models to analyze images and extract insights and information from them.

    After completing this module, you will be able to:
    • Provision a Computer Vision resource.
    • Analyze an image.
    • Generate a smart-cropped thumbnail.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    2) Analyze Video

    Azure Video Analyzer for Media is a service to extract insights from video, including face identification, text recognition, object labels, scene segmentations, and more.

    After completing this module, you will be able to:
    • Describe Video Analyzer for Media capabilities.
    • Extract custom insights.
    • Use Video Analyzer for Media widgets and APIs.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    3) Classify Images

    Image classification is used to determine the main subject of an image. You can use the Custom Vision services to train a model that classifies images based on your own categorizations.

    After completing this module, you will be able to:
    • Provision Azure resources for Custom Vision.
    • Understand image classification.
    • Train an image classifier.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    4) Detect Objects in Images

    Object detection is used to locate and identify objects in images. You can use Custom Vision to train a model to detect specific classes of object in images.

    After completing this module, you will be able to:
    • Provision Azure resources for Custom Vision.
    • Understand object detection.
    • Train an object detector.
    • Consider options for labeling images.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    5) Detect, Analyze, and Recognize Faces

    The ability for applications to detect human faces, analyze facial features and emotions, and identify individuals is a key artificial intelligence capability.

    After completing this module, you rill be able to:
    • Identify options for face detection, analysis, and identification.
    • Understand considerations for face analysis.
    • Detect faces with the Computer Vision service.
    • Understand capabilities of the Face service.
    • Compare and match detected faces.
    • Implement facial recognition.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 2 horas

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    © 2015 |Laboratorio de Microtecnología y Sistemas Embebidos | Centro de Investigación en Computación | Instituto Politécnico Nacional