IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    Es una iniciativa de Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial del CIC del IPN con la colaboración de DHARMA para motivar a investigadores, profesores y estudiantes a aprovechar los cursos, recursos y herramientas de las principales plataformas tecnológicas de la industria en las áreas de Aprendizaje Automático, Ciencia de Datos, Computación en la Nube, Inteligencia Artificial e Internet de las Cosas con el propósito de generar una experiencia práctica a través de un modelo de aprendizaje entre pares y por objetivos.

    Nivel 3: Construyendo Soluciones

    Develop with Azure Digital Twins

    Digital Twins is the new wave of innovation that helps unlock advanced scenarios in IoT and beyond, enabling you to evolve from connected assets to connected environments. It is used to help you create digital replicas (models) of entire environments. These environments could be buildings, factories, farms, energy networks, railways, stadiums, and more—even entire cities!

    By completing the learning path you will have good understanding of how to model any environment, and bring digital twins to life in a scalable and secure manner, connect assets such as IoT devices and existing business systems, use a robust event system to build dynamic business logic and data processing, and integrate with Azure data, analytics, and AI services to help you track the past and then predict the future.

    Cursos en este programa

    1) Introduction to Azure Digital Twins

    This module provides an overview of Azure Digital Twins and describes Microsoft tools, services, and infrastructure. This knowledge can help bring digital twins to life for your organization and customers.

    In this module, you will:
    • Describe how Microsoft defines digital twins, the core concepts, and the building blocks to implement a digital twin solution.
    • List customer goals for digital twin applications.
    • Discuss the outcomes businesses can achieve through digital twins.
    • Understand the value of a digital twin and how it can be used to support business goals in various industry verticals.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    2) Build an Azure Digital Twins Graph for a Chocolate Factory Production Line

    This module covers the first steps in building an Azure Digital Twins solution. The units cover making an instance of Azure Digital Twins, and learning about, creating, and visualizing, Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL) models. You will create, validate, graph, and query models for a chocolate factory production line.

    In this module, you will:
    • Create an instance of Azure Digital Twins by using the Azure portal.
    • Create digital models for the production line of a chocolate factory.
    • Validate the digital models by using a validator sample.
    • Create a graph of the models by using an explorer sample.
    • Query the graph by using SQL-like queries.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 2 horas

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    3) Ingest Data into Azure Digital Twins

    Learn the different ways to ingest data into Azure Digital Twins.

    In this module, you will:
    • Create an Azure Digital Twins instance.
    • Create and instantiate Digital Twins models.
    • Create a function app that publishes data into Digital Twins.
    • Create an Azure IoT Hub instance that sends telemetry to a function app.
    • Use REST APIs for Azure Digital Twins to ingest data into an IoT Hub instance.
    • Create an Azure Logic Apps instance that ingests data into IoT Hub.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    4) Output from Azure Digital Twins to Downstream Services

    In this module, you'll learn about how Azure Digital Twins uses event routes to send data to consumers outside the service. It's the fun part of this learning path. You can finally start to experience the outcome of your hard work in the form of insights, dashboards, visualizations, and more.

    In this module, you will:
    • Build and simulate the chocolate factory twin.
    • Create a route and filter for twin update notifications.
    • Create and configure an Azure function and send telemetry messages to an event hub.
    • Create an Azure Time Series Insights instance and connect it to Azure Digital Twins.
    • Visualize and query your data in Time Series Insights.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

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